The Week #208

  • 4️⃣ years of the week! Pretty wild that I haven't missed a Tuesday post the entire time (Tuesday as defined as Tuesday for me, wherever I may be). At some point I should take this and turn them into a paper archive. Maybe for year 5.
  • β˜•οΈ My coffee machine has been a bit on the fritz. Not that it's not brewing, but for some reason it started flowing over. I think I've fixed it, but I've grown tired of monitoring the machine while it's brewing to see if it's gonna make a mess or not (kinda defeats the purpose of using a machine). So I've been making pour overs instead.

    Making pour overs has been a good change of pace. A bit of zen in the morning. I also haven't been downing as much coffee, which is undoubtedly a good thing.Β 
  • ❀️ Unrelated to drinking less coffee as it's technically one from a couple of weeks ago, my Apple watch gave me a notification about new trends in my resting heart rate going down (I forget the exact number, but I think it was 41 bpm). Lower heart rates (to a point!) are generally indicative of stronger hearts (fewer pumps required to make appropriate volume of blood go 'round), so I take it as a sign that my consistent running over the past 5 or 6 weeks is starting to make a measurable difference.
  • 🚲 Riding my bike is a happy place for me. It seems like it's turning into one for Leo as well. ( I say turning, but in the past he's told me he wants to go ride bikes because it makes him feel happy). This week Leo wanted to ride some place he hasn't ridden before, so we rode along different streets to the park I've been running at lately.

    There were a couple of short sections where there aren't sidewalks and the roads are a bit narrow, but he navigated really well.

    Inspired by Probably Riding, I've decided to ride my cross-bike more. However, the grips have gotten a bit grody and the cheap wirelock I bought has grown legs and gone on walk about. So I ordered some new grips and a U-lock from Blue Lug. When they arrive, I'll attempt to change the grips myself (which shouldn't be hard (famous last words)).
  • πŸ—‘οΈ Leo, with me coaching him through it, beat Queen Gibdo in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom! Beating this boss was quite difficult and took us a few hours of attempts (over the course of a couple of weeks), but we did it! The main that let us beat the boss was sleeping at an inn in one of the pricer beds so that we had a couple of extra hearts and (more importantly) a bit of extra stamina, so we could run away after a melee attack. 4 bosses down just a couple to go...we'll be ready before the new Zelda game comes out in September (just before my birthday πŸŽ‰!)
  • 🌞 Summer has official arrived. There was a day this week with a high of 33. I think my runs are going to need to be starting at 4:45am for the next couple of months.