• Morning Swim 🏊
    Low of the high 20’s this week had me skip a run and I could hear myself trying to convince me to not go out this morning. He’s dumb. Don’t listen to him.



    19m climbed

    153.2avg bpm

  • Checkin to Brewer’s Coffee And Bar

    in Minato, Tokyo, Japan
    Avocado toast. πŸ˜‹
  • πŸ”— The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins

    I started looking through corrupt Winamp skins and it lead me down some very strange rabbit holes
    I was more of an xmms guy myself growing up (desktop linux), but I love how...human the artifacts are in these corrupted skins. More like this, please.
    1. Tagged with
    2. software
  • The Week #212

    • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Joe Biden is no longer in the race for POTUS. It seems like Harris might be the actual nominee on the ballot. I'm not entirely sure where she stands on the issues I care about, but I have a hunch they're miles closer than the old guy that's left in the race. Please don't mess this up. (Opinions my own yada yada yada).
    • πŸ“± I spent about 3 hours at the local docomo shopping changing my cellphones/internet from an MNVO (owned by docomo) to docomo proper. Nowhere on earth should it take that long to fill in a form and get a new sim card.Β 

      Initially they told me I'd need my passport in order to change over. Informing them that I was a permanent resident and having the manager peep over the cubicle to give me a once over confirmed I didn't need one. Our turn came around to talk to a sales person and, to my surprise a Nepalese guy came out. We did the entire exchange in Japanese until the very end when we both decided to have a chat in English.

      He changed me over to a trainee to fill in the application because it'll be faster (it was not faster). But I can understand why – I'm a good exception cases from the regular customer that you probably get to fill in forms / screens that usually aren't relevant.

      The main reason for the switch, besides not having enough data to last the month (I stream music while running), is that I can use it abroad at no extra charge against my regular data allotment.
    • 🐻 Season 2 Episode 6, "Fishes", of The Bear. Holy shit was that intense. Maybe the best episode of television I've ever watched. I foolishly watched it on my commute in to the office and I was glued the entire time.

      It's a Christmas episode and the way the family interacts is not entirely like my family, but there was a lot of rhyming. It rhymed so much and was so intense that my headspace was entirely in Houston in the old family home and it felt surreal to be "suddenly" walking in Shinbashi station to make my transfer.

      Like the algorithm knew I needed to decompress a bit when I arrived at the office,Β  it offered up this Deep Relaxing Brunch Terrace DJ Set where they're DJing on a sunny terrace and making cinnamon rolls. It worked.
  • 5am run club
    Day star out doing its thing. One of my β€œaccepts touch payments” vending machines wasn’t having any of it, no matter the flavor. Up the tally for Crowdstrike?



    25m climbed

    151.8avg bpm

  • Morning ~Run~ Swim
    Stay safe out there πŸ₯΅



    19.2m climbed

    152.5avg bpm

  • Morning Run
    Did I ever mention how much I love clouds? So good they are.



    22.2m climbed

    158.5avg bpm

  • Checkin to Two Dogs Taproom & Pizza House

    in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
    Amazing pizza.
  • The Week #211

    • πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ I ran 51 times this yearΒ  – which puts me more than halfway towards my goal. My 51st run was on Ocean Day. Initially I wasn't quite feeling it, but decided to let fate take me where she pleases by means ofΒ  traffic signals. I went into a neighborhood I've never been into, found a cool forest, and before I knew it, I ran 6km and a bit. Running is easiest when you're just looking around at the world, taking it all in.
    • 🚲 While Facetim-ing with my dad about our upcoming trip, Leo suddenly put on his helmet and said "come on Dad, let's ride bikes while we still can!". I like the gusto, but the timing could have been better. We rode over to Ito Yokado. This time we went a different route this way that has us, except for the crossing the big road, entirely on neighborhood back streets. This route feels much safer.

      While there I played a crane game with Leo and scored a rhinoceros beetle keychain. Leo's first idea for how to use it was to wait for mom to fall asleep and put it near her. As amusing as that might have been, I shut that idea down.
    • 🧼 I've been starting work a bit "later" than usual, 9am (like I used to before Leo started primary school). So why the bar of soap? I remembered I have a power washer and have been power washing the balcony as long as the battery lasts,Β  15 - 20 minutes. The balconies are clean as can be...and I need to find my next target.
    • πŸŽ‚ We celebrated my father-in-law and sister-in-law's birthdays with sushi. Leo wrote a card for Jiji that said, "Jiji, thank you for always toasting my bread. Congratulations!". :chef-kiss: of a message. It was a treat watching him think and write the message out.
    • πŸ“Ί I had a rare free Sunday morning and used a few hours of it to binge watch the rest of Bear season 1. Really good show. You should watch it.
  • Checkin to Ootoya (ε€§ζˆΈε±‹)

    in Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
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