The Week #178

  • ⛰️ It only took me about 2.5 years to get around to it, but I made some basic integration into Tanzawa. Right now it only supports posting to Mastodon, but that's all I use it for right now. I had considered doing a native integration with Mastodon (and indeed, there's an open issue for it), but decided against it because I didn't want to faff around with figuring out ActivityPub...especially when my site already marks things up using microformats.

    The integration manifests itself as a new button that says "🐘 Send to Mastodon". When clicked the elephant starts spinning, the backend sends a webmention to, and if successful, the button transforms to say "View on Mastodon". The button jumps around a bit during the whole process, but I'll sort the fine details "later".
  • πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ We went to Idea to pick up another Eket cabinet, bringing our total to three, as well as some frozen meatballs and so forth. Ikea used to be one of the places we could take Leo to and he would not have a'll notice the past tense in this sentence.

    After we ate lunch and did some browsing on the second floor, when we got downstairs where all the small things are, Leo noticed the play area...and had a melt down because he couldn't play's not like we didn't try, but there were 50 kids ahead of him, we would've been waiting 2 hours... how I would like to be able to go anywhere without one meltdown or another.
  • πŸ₯ I went to the hospital to remove some varicose veins on my right leg. I've had them most of my life (they're from (I presume) from damage done when I was first born and the doctors were poking around to give me a feed for whatever they gave me) and the past couple of years they've been getting worse...and visible when wearing shorts.

    This is notable because it was my first time being hospitalized in Japan, so the entire experience is new. I found over during check in that they decided to move me from a shared room on the 2nd floor to a private room on the 4th floor. I'm no sure why they decided that, but I'm glad they did.

    The surgery itself was smooth and I was awake for half of it. I've never been awake for any surgery, so it was an interesting sensation to feel the pressure of tugging(?) without actually feeling anything. For the second half they put me to sleep and apparently they had to use more / it took longer than expected to knock me out.

    Dinner was really good – though perhaps that was as I hadn't eaten in 24 hours by the time surgery was finished and I was awake. Rice, fish, steamed spinach, and some carrots and peas with ground chicken.

    I shouldn't be surprised but there's no WiFi in the hospital, so I'm finishing this post tethered to my phone. I can walk fine, except my leg is wrapped in a bandage and it hurts a bit. I'm glad it's over and without any issues...and I look forward to being able to run again (perhaps a week per the doctor).

    Cost wise I think my total out of pocket is supposed to be around 14-man (940 usd at current exchange rates)... I don't think I would have gotten this done if I was living in America as I can imagine it being easily 5 - 10x, even with insurance.

    Update: Total cost was 7.2man or about 470 usd.
  • @jamesvandyne I hope the recovery is quick! And as a fellow father of a child that melts down, I hope it gets better for both of us!
