The Week #177

  • ๐Ÿคฎ The bug got me. Unfortunately it didn't really kick in until I was in the office in Tokyo. I left a bit earlier than usual and rode the green car home. Riding the green car is usually quite nice, but I was miserable the entire way.

    On the way I picked up some ice cream from baskin robbins for Leo...which I won't get into why...but it's ridiculous. After buying ice cream as I'm walking back to the station I felt increasingly worse and got more annoyed with each step at the entire situation. My annoyance culminated in breaking the wa the restroom...worrying that his ice cream will melt and I'll have to listen to a, no pun intended, melt down.

    But the moment I got home, Leo was appreciate and said thank you. I b-lined to bed and slept for 12 hours. At its peak I had a 38.3cย  (101f) fever. Thankfully when I woke up in the morning I felt much better. I still have a bit of a lingering cough that's getting a bit better each day.
  • ๐Ÿ“ธ We got the entire family together for Leo's shichi-go-san photos and family photos.ย  Leo as dressed in hakama and Yumi, and myself dressed in kimono. As we rescheduled on short notice, the adults didn't have the option of picking any kimono we wanted. Rather, we had to pick from their stock that day.

    We were afraid that they'd only have a bunch of light colored kimono, as that's was the majority of the choices to begin with, and that it would make me ghosty. Thankfully that wasn't the case. They had some nice darker blue options. Yumi's had a couple of good options as well.

    Leo did a few different poses in a two different hakama. His favorite was his samurai pose where he got to hold a katana as a prop. Besides Leo's single shots, we also took a family portraits, one with the 3 of us and another with everyone. Each time we take family photos like this, I always think we should do this more often.
  • ๐Ÿ”— I added a new bookmarks page on my site. The new display of bookmarks is more streamlined giving clear distinction between the site I'm linking to and my commentary about it. I also added tags, which is a first in Tanzawa, so I can better group and categorize the links I'm sharing.

    Under the hood, there weren't that many changes required to enable this. But having this clear difference in styling between different post types is encouraging me to share more links that I find via my blog.
  • โ›ฐ๏ธ Other minor improvements to Tanzawa this week are improved RSS representations for different post types. Mostly it's replacing words with emoji. But the main improvement has been getting my run photos and routes appearing properly in

    Getting the photos and routes to appear in required:

    ย 1) Stop using svg when rendering the route for feed readers and instead use img because svg isn't on the allow list for the timeline. This was easy as I already have a url for creating pngs of the route that I use for previews when sharing.
    2) Using absolute uris for my image paths. Relative paths worked fine in feed readers, but not in

    Improved checkin display

    I also added webmentions to the front page, which is quite reminiscent ofย  following the latest comments on a blog, like people did back in blogging boom.ย 
  • ๐Ÿ‘‚ Spoke too soon - Leo woke up on Monday with an ear ache ๐Ÿ˜ซ Can't we all just get better?
  • ๐Ÿค– I want to end this post on a positive note โ€“ I followed the best bot on the fediverse: @hackers_gifs, which shows gifs of the movie Hackers every few hours.