The Week #27

  • This week marked my 10 year wedding anniversary. We got married in typical Japanese fashion, a trip to city hall to fill out the paperwork. For some reason we didnโ€™t think to take a photo when we got married, which I regret. I think it was a combination of everyone looking far too busy to ask and that, at least at that time, you donโ€™t really take photos inside city hall.

I remember the couple after us was what appeared to be a a Russian? woman and this old guy with one of those furry hats with the flaps on all sides. It may or may not have been a marriage for love, but I hope theyโ€™re doing well.

  • Sophie went to the vet and got her numbers done again. Theyโ€™re now perfectly in the normal range! The doctor is decreasing her medication and weโ€™ll check again in a couple of months to see how she responds if we can keep the lowered amount. My wallet hopes we can.

  • The battery officially died on my laptop this week, which has slowed progress on Tanzawa. Itโ€™s a mid-2014 MacBook Pro, so almost 7(!) years old. Usually Iโ€™d think about replacing it and recycling this one by now, but it works fine. And when I consider the ecological cost of manufacturing a new laptop, I want to use my current machine for as long as possible. A new battery should extend the life so I can use it for a full decade.

  • Speaking of Tanzawa, despite battery woes, I still made a bunch of progress. I got image support working, so you can add / remove images from posts.

    Iโ€™ve started working on image processing and optimization. I strip all gps exif data from photos when theyโ€™re uploaded, but before I do, Iโ€™m storing the gps coordinates in the database. Why? By default I want to preserve privacy, you donโ€™t necessarily want to share your exact location when youโ€™re sharing a photo of the garden.

    But I have this idea of letting you group entries (checkin, status, photos, blog posts) together as a trip and display it on a map. And in those cases we may want to use the coordinates, so having them available but not public by default is a good compromise.

    Another goal is Tanzawa is to use as little energy as possible, which means images must be small so we transmit as little data as possible. I figured out how I can do that, without generating a zillion thumbnails and sized photos (though resizing is part of the solution).