🏔Tanzawa is Public 🎉

Over the past few months I've been talking about the release of Tanzawa. And over these few months I keep on building up what the first release needs to be in my head. It must: 

  • not have any bugs
  • be easy to use
  • have proper documentation for getting started

and so on and so forth. I keep on finding new things to add or fix that are "must haves" and so I keep on finding reasons to delay the release. And it's slowly been adding a bit of self-induced stress.

No more.

Tanzawa is now open source. It lives on GitHub at jamesvandyne/tanzawa. It has bugs. It has a bunch of edges rough enough to cut you. It has zero documentation for how to install and use it.

But I'll address them overtime. And eventually, someday,  it will reach my vision of being a simple and sustainable  home on the web.

If you need help or have questions or want to lend a hand: reply here, ping me on twitter @jamesvandyne, or open an issue.

Tanzawa is public