The Week #206

  • πŸŽ’ For years when going out on the weekends I've been using the same holds a 15" Macbook Pro with ease - 32L capacity day tripping backpack that I use during the week. The size has come in handy more than once when Leo was younger (you need more things on hand when kids are little). It's a great bag that I've been using for 10 yearsΒ  and will continue to use for years to come.

    And for the past couple of years I've been thinking "I should get some smaller bag that can carry a couple of things", and I'd look a bit when we out and about, but nothing screamed "this one" at me. This week I said I did the sensible thing and looked at a website dedicated to packs, found their rankings, and picked one near the top that I liked / I could buy in Japan. All of this to say, I bought aΒ  black Patagonia Atom Sling 8L and it's great. Wearing it aroundΒ  town and I noticed that slings are standard Dad uniform in Japan – makes sense they are quite practical.
  • 🍌 It's getting warmer out and I remembered a wholesome moment last year where I went with Leo to get some ice cream at the bench 7-11 near...and thought to myself, self – we should do that more. So we did. I had a banana bar and Leo had a gari-gari-kun ice block.
  • 🚝 We did the half-loop to Enoshima and the aquarium. It was crowded af. We made it in time to watch the dolphin show, but even arriving 20 minutes prior and there was nowhere to sit in the stadium. We watched the first 5 minutes of the show and left. Half-loop because we went back the way we came (monorail instead of odakyu)
  • 🎡 Thanks to Max asking a question on Mastodon about where our protest music is (there's a lot to be angry about with climate change, fascism , wars etc....), I discovered 2 new German punk bands and they're incredible. The first is Todeskommando Atomsturm (Death command atomic storm). Clicking around their apple music I discovered F*cking Angry. Both are perfect for those times I need to write JavaScript.