The Week #174

  • 🍻 I went for a couple of beers with some old-coworkers/friends in Shinbashi. I can't remember the last time I went out for a proper brew. The shop we went to had a variety of craft beers. The first one I had looked and tasted like juice...but it was actually 5%. We finished up at 6...
  • πŸš‘ ... and on the way home I got a text message from my wife that Leo fell off the monkey-bars and was bleeding from his nose. The principal drove Leo and my wife to the hospital where they gave him a once over and all was fine. My wife asked me to pick them up...but since I had a couple of beers, I could not legally drive (legal limit is 0%), so the principal also drove them back.
  • 🐍 This next day was PyConAPAC 2023. This year I also attended for work. It was a lot of fun. This year I attended a couple of talks – one on Django and HTMX and another on tagging inbound customer inquiries. I also had the opportunity to talk with a number of attendees about Kraken and what we're doing and (most importantly)... we're hiring!
  • πŸ‰ These past couple of weeks instead of watching the news with my morning coffees, I've been watching rugby. You see, with the the Rugby World Cup in France, the games have been airing at 4am Japan time. This is a bit before I usually wake up, but they show this instead of the morning news.

    I've been low-key getting into it. I think I understand more of the rules of rugby (but not as many as if I read an article on wikipedia or similar). On Sunday I woke up later than usual and managed to catch the last 10 minutes of the final between New Zealand and South Africa and I was on the edge of my seat. Full drama until the very last second. Congratulations, South Africa!
  • πŸ‘˜ Next month we're going to take family photos for Shichi-Go-San. This week we went to the photo studio where we'll rent our kimono and get photos taken to make reservations. Leo had so many choices for his kimono and he picked a cool blue-green color.
  • πŸ“• I finished reading Ultra Processed People. My kindle showed I was 60% of the way through the book, which made me think I had a slog coming up, but turns out I only had about 10 pages. The rest were acknowledgements, notes and such like. I think I would have finished it weeks ago if I had realized I was about 10 pages from being finished.Β  Really good book and it's re-shaping how I think about food.