The Week #97

  • This week was Golden Week, and we were able to enjoy it a lot this year. We broke in the BBQ, which was great fun and quite tasty. The grill mostly lived up to its smokeless claims as well. I'm really looking forward to grilling some more.
  • Like last year's Golden Week, I took my bike out for a long ride. I think it's been about that long since I last really rode it. This time I went 40km down to enoshima and did a loop back. I tweeted the route I took. Compared to last year there were so. many. people. in and around enoshima. Thankfully I was on a bike and was able to cut through and take the quiet backstreets.
  • We went and got Yumi's and Leo's new passports. It's been a huge relief for Yumi as we got married right after she got her last passport and, although we updated her name, every time we flew there was a huge delay at check in. One time it nearly caused her to miss her flight. For Leo, now if something happens and we suddenly need to go somewhere, we can.

    As the passport center is near Yamashita-park/Minatomirai and that area, we rode the big ferris wheel. It's in the Guinness World Records as the largest Ferris wheel with a clock in the world...oddly specific...🧐
  • The trip I talked about last week to London, UK was made official this week. Tickets and hotel have been booked...and thinking of having to manually update all of my checki ns for 2-weeks made me prioritize trip mode. You can activate trip mode by selecting a trip in your site settings. When trip mode is active trip mode, all new posts made via the micropub endpoint will be associated with that trip automatically. New posts made via the web interface will have the trip pre-selected.Β 

    There's a lot of fun things I could do with this, like updating the trip list/detail/ site header to indicate that I'm currently traveling...maybe next time...