πŸ”— NYC Slice

Starting in 2014, I logged every slice of pizza I ate in New York City on the Instagram account NYC Slice. The results shown below are collected from 464 slices.
Love this idea. If one were to do this in Japan, what could it be? Ramen seems "typical"...onigiri (rice ball) shops aren't super common...tako-yaki (octopus balls), perhaps in Osaka... πŸ€” Also, I need an excuse to buy a .yokohama domain.
  1. Tagged with
  2. nyc
  • You’re missing out… It may be the obvious choice but it’s all in the nuance and adventure my dude: An asian toddler girl slurps up a helping of ramen noodles with a look of sheer joy on her face. The caption says "RAMEN. 10% noodles, 90% love."

  • @jamesvandyne BTW I think your parser on your blog is picking up the alt-text for the picture I posted with my last comment above and making for a very strange out of context series of sentences there. 😬

  • @starrwulfe Thanks for the shout - probably time I updated mf2py in Tanzawa...as that's what I'm using to extract the comments from webmentions.
