Response to Tanzawa testing

I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions, James.
I wish I had the technical knowledge to accomplish these things and help with Tanzawa development, but I know only enough HTML, CSS and Javascript to build simple websites.

- Is there a way to use iframes (embed media) with the editor?
- On my current local installation Tanzawa Replies do not seem to work.
- Flag emojis do not seem to show up in the streams sidebar
- Manually editing post dates.
- Options to enable/disable Maps & Trips?
Thanks for the reply. I'll keep this reply public so it acts as "documentation" if other people are searching around about Tanzawa and wondering similar things.Β 

I'll dive in to answering your questions.

> Is there a way to use iframes (embed media) with the editor?

Not at the moment. Tanzawa is using Trix as its editor, so there is probably a way, but I haven't researched it at all. The main reason for not even allowing video uploading is that processing is quite time/cpu intensive. Processing video needs to be done in the background, which requires background tasks and Tanzawa doesn't support (yet) in an effort to keep the system simple.

> On my current local installation Tanzawa Replies do not seem to work.

This happens sometimes. Tanzawa's code for pulling out metadata for replies / bookmarks isn't quite as robust as I'd like. If you can share the URL with me I'd be happy to take a look.

>Β  Flag emojis do not seem to show up in the streams sidebar

Yes – I ran into this on my site as well. It seems to be an issue with the Django admin converting the character automatically (or something of that nature). I created my Japan stream via the Django console by typing in the python code directly.

$ python3 apps/ shell
>>> from streams.models import MStream
>>> MStream.objects.create(icon="πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅", slug="japan-2", name="Japan 2")
<MStream: Japan 2>
>>> exit()

As slug is a unique field, if you want to update an existing stream, you can do it by first selecting it, setting the value, and saving.

$ python3 apps/ shell
>>> from streams.models import MStream
>>> stream = MStream.objects.get(slug="japan")
>>> stream.icon = "πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅"
>>> exit()

> Manually editing post dates.

Yes - I have an issue on GitHub for this and a WIP branch locally. It's been a while since I looked at the code, but as I recall I was getting bogged down writing the interface for it. After I finish ship plugins, I'll give it another look.

> Options to enable/disable Maps & Trips?

There isn't a point and click way to do this. The easiest way for nowΒ  modify the base public template in apps/templates/base_public.html. Maybe it makes sense to transition Maps/Trips to plugins in the future...
  • @kandr3s doesn't seem to be sending me webmentions for comments othre than my own. Odd – are there any error messages appearing when in your runserver in docker? Or if you open the dev tools in your browser, open the Network tab, then try to make a bookmark, you should see a failed request / 500 error?

  • @kandr3s Yes, that’s be super helpful. Thanks!
