The Week #207

  • πŸ‘¨πŸ» Happy Father's day to all of the dads out there. For father's day, Leo gave me him taking a 2.5 hour nap that I also partook in a bit. Having a good nap is one of those things I should do more often and never appreciate in the moment. Update: When Leo sneezes there's stuff coming out his nose – that nap may not have been a present, but rather the start of a cold.
  • 🚲 I found a new favorite channel on YouTube: Probably Riding (and Insta). Basically this guy takes videos when he's out riding his (sweet ass) bike around Seoul, getting coffees, doing shopping and he narrates over it. It's pure weekend vibes.
  • πŸ‘† I generally like where I live: it's comfortable, we have good neighbors, it's quiet, good connections to city via rail. But sometimes I wish I lived more centrally so I could easily access a variety of hip coffee shops with a short bike ride. There are some kissaten (which have their own charms), but are often smokey... and I think how sweet would it be to be able to easily pop in to a variety of airy, brightly lit specialty coffee shops?
  • 🚲 After writing this, I took my acoustic bike to Starbucks to work for a bit and it was just what I needed. I always forget how much fun it is to ride my acoustic bike, so to encourage me to ride it more I've moved it from the side of the house to the front, next to my mama-chari.
  • 🎢 In a polar opposite recommendation for music from last week, I've been into Alex & The Moondaze (Apple Music), especially this track The River from LINDA (Apple Music, YouTube). Weekend Vibes. ✌️