The Week #48

  • The official covid numbers are going down and vaccination seems to be ramping up. I still don't have any idea when I'll be able to make an appointment for an appointment, but I found some clinics that don't want to waste any shots and will let anybody sign up for the cancellation wait list. The catch is that you may need be there in 2 hours. I signed up for the cancellation wait list at Caps Clinic in Musashikosugi ( full list here ). Those that are more centrally located can register at multiple locations to up their chances.Β 
  • The plants are growing like their supposed to. Compared from a couple weeks ago everything is absolutely massive.
    Future Tomatoes
  • I went to Patagonia in Kamakura to buy a light jacket to protect me from UV during the summer. The jacket itself is designed for fishing / being on the beach, so it should handle the humid Japanese summers.
  • Visiting Patagonia always inspires me to want to do better by the earth. Not just they products themselves and their messaging, but the films and propaganda they produce that aren't about their products are very well done.
  • We the Power: The Future of Energy is Community Owned is one such movie. It's about the fight in Europe to allow communities in generate their own electricity from their own rooftops and some of the challenges they face from the incumbents. And once the incumbents lose and start embracing renewables, they're trying again to take control back from communities, "just let us manage it".
  • This fight in many ways reminds me of computing and open-source. I love my Apple laptop and I've been on the Mac for coming up on 2 decades, but sometimes I feel like I'm selling my values short and should use something of, by, and for the community.
  • Tanzawa has a license. I've just got a couple more bugs to squash before I feel like I can open the repository.Β  Inspired by Patagonia, I think Tanzawa's marketing site is going to have a prominent propaganda section. Home. Download. Propaganda.