I've been blocked with Tanzawa development for a while as I mull how to simultaneously use Tanzawa to make my own unique site and let it be flexible enough for others without making them adapt to everything I do. If someone else is using Tanzawa to power their site, I want it to be an expression of them, not me.

I recently figured out the answer to allow this: plugins.

Inspired by @maique's Tanzawa Love post, I finally sat down and started working on what plugins might look like. Ideally a plugin should be able to customize or extend anything anywhere, but I'm starting small: adding things to public pages.

This is the first plugin: a widget to display the current localtime in the top nav.

Localtime displayed in Tanzawa...by a Plugin

I imagine the capabilities growing over time. I'd like to let plugins store and manage data (e.g. settings), let them schedule periodic work ( e.g. call this api every hour and do something ), and maybe even run background tasks. But for now they're simple. Thank you for the inspiration @maique!
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  • It's coming! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ”

  • Yay! πŸŽ‰ So happy, I'll start thinking about the domain I'll register for it! 🀣

  • I installed Tanzawa. It\'s amazing. Seriously amazing. I feel right at home using its UI. I\'m loving testing it locally, but there\'s two things I haven\'t figure out: 1. What\'s the best way to import content from markdown files?My goal is to import my Jekyll website and I think at the moment there\'s 2 ways to do it. Manually creating new posts on the Tanzawa Dashboard by copying and pasting the content and then manually changing the dates through the Django Settings. Exporting the Jekyll post files to Wordpress, exporting the Wordpress site and then importing it into Tanzawa. Is there an alternative to these options? 2. Custom link support. I couldn\'t find a way to create an /about or /now page. I tried having entries with custom set permalinks, but was unable to find such option. I think this might be my fault by missing something in the documentation and I\'d appreciate some help. Thank you for open sourcing this project.
