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  • 🔗 Throw Out Your Black Plastic Spatula

    But getting rid of black plastic kitchen utensils is a low-stakes move, and worth it. Cooking with any plastic is a dubious enterprise, because heat encourages potentially harmful plastic compounds to migrate out of the polymers and potentially into the food. But, as Andrew Turner, a biochemist at the University of Plymouth
    I had no idea black plastic was often made from recycled e-waste and often includes flame retardants from it. Turns out, simple materials we’ve been using since forever are superior. That tracks.
  • 🔗 I Quit Meat. Then Cigarettes. Then Alcohol. Then Caffeine. Then Eating After 8 p.m. Who Am I?

    My 30-Year Quitting Addiction
    I quit meat. Then cigarettes. Then alcohol. Then caffeine. Then eating after 8 p.m. What am I doing?
    I don't quite have the willpower of the author,  but quitting meat and alcohol seem admirable. I'd like to get to that place, eventually.
  • 🔗 dogsheep/healthkit-to-sqlite

    Convert an Apple Healthkit export zip to a SQLite database - dogsheep/healthkit-to-sqlite
    healthkit-to-sqlite is super neat. I now have an SQL-queriable db of my heart rate, runs, handwashing, sleep analysis, you name it. Even better - this data is all on device. Now to think of some fun queries...