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  • πŸ”— Japan PM vows to phase out coal-fired power at climate summit

    Kishida said Japan will terminate the construction of new coal-fired power plants that have no emission-reducing measures in place, without specifying the timeline or mentioning the scrapping of existing plants.
    I'm a little skeptical about how "emission reducing measures" of a coal-fired power plant could be abused...but assuming best intentions this is certainly good news.Β  πŸ‘
  • πŸ”— New research suggests plants might be able to absorb more CO2 from human activities than previously expected

    New research published in Science Advances paints an uncharacteristically upbeat picture for the planet. This is because more realistic ecological modeling suggests the world's plants may be able to take up more atmospheric CO2 from human activities than previously predicted.

    "However, simply planting trees will not solve all our problems. We absolutely need to cut down emissions from all sectors. Trees alone cannot offer humanity a get out of jail free card."
    Great news, but as it says, we cannot put our foot on the brakes. We need to reforest more land and stop using fossil fuels.
  • πŸ”— CO2 Journeys: Eco-conscious Travel Across Japan | NHK WORLD-JAPAN On Demand

    Keeping track of CO2 emissions can give travelers a new perspective. Can a 1,250km journey from Kyoto Prefecture to Shiretoko in Hokkaido Prefecture be done in just two days, with emissions limited to just 100kg? If our travelers make their goal, they'll be rewarded with a nature experience in a Natural World Heritage site. But if they exceed the set CO2 limit at any point during their journey, they'll be sent home immediately. Two students with very different views on the environment use various means of transport to make their way to their goal, facing unexpected obstacles and problems along the way. A 21st-century travel show that grapples with the global problem of CO2!
    Really enjoyed this travel show where the participants had to take their CO2 emissions into consideration when traveling.
  • πŸ”— The Electric Shuffle

    I can make some of my own electricity at home, but I can’t make my own gas. My point here is there are ways ordinary people can switch to healthier non gas cooking at a reasonable price point without engaging in institutional drama or politics.
    As much as I hate my gas-stove for all of the reasons listed in the article and want to replace it – $3,000 or so (including upgrading electric in the kitchen) is a bit much right now. However, they make a good point about using smaller appliances to fill the gap. One could even use portal batteries / solar arrays to charge and cook off of them entirely off grid. Clever.

    I reckon I could replace the majority of my gas range usage with a little portable 1 or 2 burner IH cooktop. When combined with my slow-cooker I bet we wouldn't even need to use the gas range at all...a $75 - $150 fix instead of a $3,000 fix to reduce carbon emissions and improve indoor air quality. Seems reasonable to me. They even make some with legs so they could fit in place of / over your gas range.
  • πŸ”— How we changed our roof and cut 1.5 tons of CO2e.

    Since Oct 01, 2021 we have saved 2,300 kwh, equivalent to 720 kg CO2e (assuming a 0.3g of CO2e per Kwh of heating gas). At current trend, we would save 5,200 kwh, equivalent to 1,600 kg CO2e until Apr 15, 2022. To put that number in perspective, a French emits about 9,000 kg of CO2e per year. Not bad for a roof.
    Fascinating how much easier we can cut with upgrades to the house that reduce carbon and improve comfort. Beautiful roof, too.
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