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  • 🔗 Building Search DSLs with Django

    Search DSLs can give a user more granular access to searching without exposing an overly complicated interface.

    GitHub issues provide a DSL that’s accompanied by UI elements. An example query for searching issues would be:

    is:open author:danlamanna

    We can create something similar for use in a custom Django application.
    Improving search on my website has been long on my list of things to do. Something like this would make it easy for me to search my posts like "city:Yokohama type:checkin" to find all checkins in Yokohama. 🤔
  • 🔗 Django & Celery in production

    DjangoCon JP 2021 発表資料

    Some good tips about Celery Production tips from Django Congress 2021 in Nagano this year (I couldn't attend). Most of the information is in the docs in English, but it's handy to see it condensed, even if it's in Japanese. A couple key points:

    • Use **kwargs for your tasks input. This makes it easier to make updates to your tasks once they're already running in production if your input needs to change. 
    • Reminders about all of the handy kwargs you can pass to tasks in regards to retry. Especially handy autoretry_for where you can pass a tuple of exceptions that will cause the task to automatically retry
  • 🔗 Full Stack Radio | 151: DHH – Building HEY with Hotwire

    Good interview with DHH about Turboframes really excites me - I want to write my web apps in Python, not Typescript/JS.
  • 🔗 Code With Me - Plugins | JetBrains

    Code With Me is a new service created by JetBrains for collaborative development and pair programming.
    I've been doing a lot of remote pair programming at work lately. This Code with Me plugin for PyCharm looks like it could make it a lot easier. Can't wait to try it out.
  • 🔗 jaredks/rumps

    Ridiculously Uncomplicated macOS Python Statusbar apps - jaredks/rumps
    I've been thinking about couple ideas for status bar apps that could help me at work. One of the largest barriers for me to actually build them is re-learning Objective-C (I can't believe ImageXY was almost a decade ago ) or learning Swift. Letting me write apps in Python should allow me to quickly prototype some apps and see if my ideas are actually any good.