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  • 🔗 Layover in Helsinki

    This past summer I had longer vacations than usual. We made sure they coincided with the girls’ so we could spend more time together and hopefully explore somewhere new. We mulled over a bunc…
    This post reminds me of our trip to Helsinki in 2015. I'd really like to go back for a more extended visit. 
  • 🔗 Travel photos are underrated

    I snapped many photos while wandering Haifa last week, as I always do whenever I see something new or interesting while exploring a city. I was with my friend Tyler, who conspicuously does not take photos while exploring a new place. I asked him why,...
    This is one reason I made Trips. I wanted a way to re-visit my trips. Having your photos and a map make it so much more enjoyable to remember than a pro photo someone else took.